Can moderators please start signing their bans?
I was complaining for days about the random standards of moderators and the deletion of good threads while garbage threads (case and point at the moment: stay forever.
THEN after witnessing the funny food thread where someone posted an arby's vaginasandwich which was not deleted and was quoted and the thread was on the front page for 21 hours (it might have gone longer but I was banned so I don't know) I GET BANNED FOR THIS:
"Why you were banned: Keep posting photos under the completely wrong categories, I dare you...
Your account will be restored on Oct 5th 2010 at 3:39:02pm"
Is it against the moderator code of conduct to send a warning message? I was unaware that properly categorizing my photos was so important.
P.S. thanks for deleting my incorrectly categorized pictures.