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BigPurpleSkiSuitCrazy how that ski is available for 300
muffMan.Have those exact boots, enjoy them. Only thing i did was upgrade to a booster strap
BallClapperNow some idiot is going to show up on your doorstep and leave a shit or something.
WoFlowzwouldn’t be the worst thing done to that house tbh
partyandBSwhat sort of homoerotic hazing have you been through so far??
GayWolf420I'm gonna leave a huge shit or something on your porch
WoFlowzworst hazing was being woken up to drive out president to niagara falls to hu with a girl from tinder at 1am. Then i slept in his car and drove him back the next morning but I missed my 8am which is my fav class :/. Thankfully they don’t do much homo hazing or drinking. Just embarrassing or annoying things. Dirty Sig made their pledges do Coke, then blindfolded them and made them oreo walk the football field naked at night. If u dropped the oreo from ur ass u got dropped from the frat. KSig makes kids elephant walk, I’ve heard of dirty sig making kids eat eachother‘s ass also. delta apparently made pledges do some weird stuff but no one’s really shared any details just that it was freaky. TDX and PSK just do lame hazing with alcohol. Imo our hazing is more fun just doing chores, working door or bathrooms, DD‘ing, stealing stuff, public humiliation in the dining halls etc. Funniest thing they made us do was break into KSig and steal all their remotes and phone chargers and computer chargers
partyandBSlmao fuck all that. sounds lame as shit and i always had much too strong of my own identity to consider a frat. too each their own though. i can see the appeal
ASSholebomber22I simp for enforcers ngl the most perfect dad ski
PartyBullshiitCorbetts started carrying zipfits. Grabbed some workhorses for $430usd. Couldn’t pass it up for that price.
PartyBullshiitCorbetts started carrying zipfits. Grabbed some workhorses for $430usd. Couldn’t pass it up for that price.
profa_212How are you going to get them injected? I feel like you are going to lose the savings you had taking them into a shop and paying for that
BallClapperFischer one is better.
PartyBullshiitThey come with cork already in them. They’re not foam liners so there is no injecting. You can add or remove cork if needed. If you need more you can get tubes of cork online and it add yourself. Maybe you’re thinking of surefoor liners where you have foam injected into them.
profa_212I know what zips are
Just because they are injecting cork instead of foam doesn't mean they aren't injection.
All i am saying is that it seems like a weird way to save 60 bucks, especially when extra cork costs 20 bucks a pop. Youre running a risk of losing money and having a worse fit all for saving 60 bucks. But if you are confident that you can fit them properly i guess you do you man
partyandBSisnt cork a wood?? i mean so is rubber and that’s definitely injectable into a mold but i didn’t think cork was like that. idk im no scientist lmao
ive always ran intuition liners but ive been clapping them out pretty quick. are the zip fits going to stay firmer/fuller longer??
profa_212I know what zips are
Just because they are injecting cork instead of foam doesn't mean they aren't injection.
All i am saying is that it seems like a weird way to save 60 bucks, especially when extra cork costs 20 bucks a pop. Youre running a risk of losing money and having a worse fit all for saving 60 bucks. But if you are confident that you can fit them properly i guess you do you man
partyandBSisnt cork a wood?? i mean so is rubber and that’s definitely injectable into a mold but i didn’t think cork was like that. idk im no scientist lmao
ive always ran intuition liners but ive been clapping them out pretty quick. are the zip fits going to stay firmer/fuller longer??
ColoradoDogfart@PartyBullshiit genuinely curious - how many days do you ski a year?
partyandBSisnt cork a wood?? i mean so is rubber and that’s definitely injectable into a mold but i didn’t think cork was like that. idk im no scientist lmao
ive always ran intuition liners but ive been clapping them out pretty quick. are the zip fits going to stay firmer/fuller longer??
partyandBSisnt cork a wood?? i mean so is rubber and that’s definitely injectable into a mold but i didn’t think cork was like that. idk im no scientist lmao
ive always ran intuition liners but ive been clapping them out pretty quick. are the zip fits going to stay firmer/fuller longer??
PartyBullshiitJust depends on how much I can get away. Last year I got a little over a month of skiing.
this season I’m looking at around 45 ish days. I’ll have 18 days by the end of Jan. Then have trips in Feb(banff) and March(whistler) booked as well. Planning a Tahoe trip in April for some spring skiing atm. I’ll get a few NC trips throughout that as well like I’m doing currently.
dognutzyoooo are you skiing sunshine
i would hit the infamous florida man