So my roommate asked me today if it would be alright if his girlfriend stayed in our dorm room for tonight. Almost as a reflex i just said yes. I don't want this to become a regular occurrence so i figured i would turn to NS to make tonight as unpleasant as possible for them. (i share zero friends with my roommate and do not care one bit what he thinks of me. he's also a huge bitch so i'm not worried about any repercussions)
heres what i have already,
spend as much time in as little clothing as possible.
watch my TV if they're watching a movie.
stay up really late studying (i have to do this anyways, damn NS)
burp, fart, the works.
have people from my floor into the room, i do this anyways.
he's kind of nerdy so i doubt they'll share the bed, im not cleaning up my side of the floor to give her more room.
give me some good ideas.