So long story short I am house sitting for my girlfriend and her parents while they are in Germany. They have all this organic food, which is really good.
So I go boil some spaghetti noodles not thinking twice about the sauce. I am thinking hey, if they have the noodles why would they not have the sauce. So Noodles are cooking and I go to look for some stinkin sauce. So I am thinking, now what!
I look around a bit. I end up putting some butter on them first. Then go to the fridge, I decide to also add some Italian Tuscan dressing also. I go to put that back in the fridge and BOOM they have fresh cheese. mmmmm. So I look for a cheese grader, shred it up and add it to the bowl. All in all, what an amazing dinner. It was actually really good. Has anyone else tried that? If not, I really recommend it.