After living in both Breck and Salt Lake City for a year a piece I honestly would have to give my vote to Utah.
My Summary
CO Girls: Summit girls are grungy as fuck there is no other word to describe it. Although they are way cool for the most part I simply prefer girls that act like girls and not like the "surfer on the news guy". Oh not to mention all hot ones are taken.
UT Girls: Salt Lake City is considered one of the fittest cities in the United States , how do you think that affects they're looks? Mormons are seriously not cock teases at all - at least the ones that rage aren't.
CO Parties: Summit parties were always lame and girl-less , fights occur pretty often. Can't really walk anywhere because its cold as balls out until late April. Oh and Colorado has 3.2% beer outside of liquor stores just like UT soo saying our beer sucks is a wack argument.
UT Parties: With a major local college football team - shit gets rowdy. Anyone remember the block parties on U street before the cops shut them down? This may seem like a absurd statement but the rowdiest people I know live in SLC. Because we DO have strict police and liquor laws, therefore we drink hard A and lots of it. Everclear seems to be a regular choice here.
Terrain Parks
CO : Breck has freeway = I agree doesn't get any better
UT: Park City is a jibbing paradise with great jumps just not perfect like Breck/Key
Powder :Beaver Creek/ Telluride < Snowbird/Alta
If you rip on UT and don't like it- awesome we don't want you.