You don't think so eh? Quick comparison check:
Dude with baggy jeans, high tops, and a wife beater chugs a beer and yells "I love pussy" to you. Is that not the same for some gay dude wearing tight pants and pink t-shirt screams "I love sucking dick!"?
You are FAR more comfortable with the guy talking about pussy. No excuse. Even if he's a bit of a douche, or he's just a normal guy, it's OKAY for straight people to say that sort of thing to everyone and have them be okay with it. It's because you can relate, right?
Now, imagine a world where every single ad features two men, where those ring billboards for Kay jewelry have two guys kissing, where every TV ad is a metaphor for buttsecks or blowjays, and EVERYONE is dressed gay. Out of your element, right? Hard to imagine? Uncomfortable? That's called straight privilege. You live in a world where you are comfortable. Every ad, clothing style, song on the radio, and conversation reinforces your internal feelings about your sexuality. I find it common, even among relatively intelligent people, such as Klazo, that they take for granted what is right in front of them. They and you see your world as the 'norm' because that is the way every single sensory input has conditioned you to feel. As a homo, the first things you begin to notice as you enter your own sexualization is that you can't relate with your entire world. You wanna know why some gay guys are fucked up? That's why. We either have to create our own communities or seek them out, or model ourselves after those with whom we most closely relate (ie, women).
When Klazo complains about me wanting minority status and equality, I have to say no. Minority status is only implied when a majority force a norm unique to their own needs upon a smaller group who's needs are different. Otherwise, we're just like you. The fact that your white, heterosexual world is forced upon EVERYONE from age 0 and on is what causes our minority status. I was not attempting to garner any sort of "extra" power or status, nor do I feel I should have it. It's just that I think straight people need to realize that what's completely natural for them, is not completely natural for 10% of the population, and as such, should show respect by not making ignorant statements like the one I responded to. I am tired. Holy fuck. Drone writing.