new TAF jacket vest, the mcdonalds special.
- zipup
- warmed double layered. layer with thin puffy zig zag on outside
- velvet furry comfy soft stuff on inside
- somewhat waterproof/will last in wet weather but water will eventually soak through.
this jacketvest has TINY black zigzag lines goin through it, u can see it in the closeup of the zipper
36 inches tall
36 inches tall
80$ shipped
80$ shipped
feedback appreciated!
and a previous TAF jacket i made:
taf belair jacket
Taf belair zip up jacket
- ZIPs UP!
- puffy but not too puffy
- the whole entire inside is lined with a blue SOFT silkyish fabric
- not waterproof but will keep you SUPER warm
this one is 39" tall
this particular one is sold but if you want one i can make one in your size so get at me if u want one!