Cheers Jon, thanks for clearing that up.
It annoys me tremendously that no one has bothered to do the quite simple math math on this issue yet.
I mean, think about it. If a jump that size cost 50 g's, then think about what a park like Breck would cost. Their big jump line jumps may not be as big, but there's 3 of them, and multiple other jump lines, pipe, jibs etc. That means just constructing the park would cost, let's say 500 g's. Add groomin and shaping costs throughout the season, and you get an ridicolous amount of money, which im quite sure Breck would never spend from the simple reason that they could never make it back.
I remember the head whistler shaper saying that they were gonna spend 250k on their park this year, i guess that should put it into perspective for you guys, seeing that whistler is one of the biggest parks in the world.