So heres some backstory, last year in the spring, i was riding my longboard in the beautiful Eugene area, staying on my side of the path, doing nothing wrong when a biker (that i assumed at the time was drunk) swerved infront of me, causing me to lose balance and then he spit on me while saying "Fucking skateboarders". At the time i didnt know what to think of it, i called after him but i didnt want to fight a drunk guy (i was 14 and this dude looked like he was mid 40s, didnt know if he had a shank or something) so i left him go.
Now today, just about 15 minutes ago, the same guy rode past and spit on me. This time i didnt let him go, i chased him down on my longboard and stopped him and confronted him, then another biker rode past saying he was looking for the guy i stopped, apparently he spit on him too. So this dude who spits on people is a confirmed bum, and he is said to have a sort of syndrome. The other biker filed a police report and my case was in it, granted nothing will happen cause the police dont fucking care but still....
So discuss Newschoolers, syndrome bum spitting on people?
I personally think that this guy shouldnt be allowed to ride his bum ass around on the bike path, yes he has a syndrome, but that cant just go unchecked in society. If that guy spits on me one more time, syndrome or not, he wont be getting to leave.
CliffNotes: A bum with some sort of syndrome spit on me twice.
Im kinda in RAGGEEE MODDEEE right now cause im pissed as fuck.