Week 1 - Top 5 Voting Round
Pick the ONE piece you are voting for.
Do not vote for your own!
Remember to use supporting artwork in your decision.
Voting will end Thursday September 23rd @ 11:59 est
Subject: Do You.
Using 2d media, show us who you are as an artist, based on subject matter and/or specific media.
Describe your decisions:
Size of you piece:
processes specific to you:
any other relevant info:
catch - To make your SINGLE entry valid, post LINKS to images of TWO OTHER artworks you have done in the past.
Supporting artwork:
1- http://i685.photobucket.com/albums/vv220/acmilan23/longboards/photo1.jpg?1283026056&size=400x1000
2- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs098.ash2/38231_1228992161698_1135890715_31083735_2133112_n.jpg&size=400x1000
Describe your decisions: I prefer to combine my art with my hobbies, this one being skateboarding.
Subject: Dawn & Dusk
Supporting artwork:
1- http://images.media.nscdn.com/index.php?src=http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/5303/unnatural360001af4.jpg&size=400x1000
2- http://images.media.nscdn.com/index.php?src=http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/member/pictures/1192722695WindlipBio9stitched.JPG&size=400x1000
Supporting artwork:
1- https://newschoolers.com/ns/content/pictures/id/287992/member_id/128170/
2- https://newschoolers.com/ns/content/pictures/id/352194/member_id/128170/
Supporting artwork:
1- https://www.newschoolers.com/ns3/web/popups/viewimage.php?picurl=http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/cache/images/1284103660-898214-544x700-1284103504unfinishedportrait.jpg
(one piece)
2- https://www.newschoolers.com/ns3/web/popups/viewimage.php?picurl=http://media.nscdn.com/uploads/member/pictures/1284103529fox1.jpg
Subject: I'm just starting to work on a series exploring lust. I'm interested in religious themes and subject matter.
Composition: was initially meant to be heavy on the right, but the "scroll" if you will is too much. I need to re-think this all and redo it.
Media: Black and white charcoal, india ink on newsprint
Size of your piece : 18 x 24
processes specific to you : I always start with a midtone and use black and white charcoal. for more finished pieces (below) I work on masonite and I start with india ink and gesso to build highlights and shadows before moving on to acrylic washes and eventually charcoal.
any other relevant info: I don't like this.
Supporting artwork:
1- http://www.flickr.com/photos/purple_paint/4977702142/
Subject: That's mum. From back in the day.The image struck me as introspective and thoughtful.
Composition: Took a long time
Media: Charcoal
Size of you piece: apprx 60 cm by 50cm (incl frame)
Processes specific to you: I suppose i should include this info: drawing is based on a photo my dad took of my mum back in the day. I wanted to do this specifically because original photo is grainy, small, and not really intact. i wanted to bring it to life.
Any other relevant info: Never made it to the art shows it might have, because i shipped it off to Australia as soon as i was done to mum for Christmas.made in high school art class. I'm not studying art or professional at any level. Just like to create things, sorry if i put the info in the wrong categories.