I right now currently am in search for a dog , and i need a little help on betting more infro on breeds and help with choosing a dog . here are the categories of dogs that i want .
- Medium to large sized . no bigger than a pitbull .
- tough dog . a dog that is not weak , and can handle being roughed around .
- looks tough . i want a dog that when people see it , they will be scared of it .
- Active . i want a dog that is pretty active around the house , and likes to have fun but at the same time will be calm , collective , and will lay down with you and likes to be pet .
- can take cold weather . winters get pretty cold in CT so walking the dog in the morning woulnt be a problem .
also , if you have a dog , post a picture of it for fun so we can see how it looks and describe the dog a little .
dogs that i so far have in mind :
shiba inu



thai ridgeback