For all the Canadian's here, this shit is crazy. I know we don't pay too much attention to politics, but its on every news station and in every paper I see. Debates are getting heated, and it looks like its going to come down to a single vote. 50/50 either way on it getting scrapped.
For those not informed, basically, every shotgun and hunting(style) rifle in Canada has to be registered with the federal government, and there is a vote in a week to scrap it. It would still keep the lisensing/testing/background check portion of the firearms program though. (handguns and military style rifles are not affected by this bill)
Arguements for it: Police search the registry about 11 000 times a year. Police chiefs support keeping it. They access it to see if there guns in a home before they invade it. Homocide rates have generally gone down since the registry.
Arguements against it: it doesn't actually get searched 11 000 times, those are automatic hits on basic traffic stops etc, its specifically accessed less than 50 times a year. Wouldn't a police officer assume there is guns in a house he's invading even if no guns are registered to the home? Criminals don't register their guns, it is only targeting law abiding citizens. It targets rural Canadians as thousands of firearms flood in from the US. Has cost billions of dollars that could have been spent at the border/fighting crime.
Thoughts on this anyone? Personally I'm a long gun owner and a handgun owner. I shoot for both sport and hunting from time to time. I go through all the red tape and see the registry as a waste of time and money because I know the people at the ranges I shoot at who pass tests to get their lisense are not responsible for urban gun crime.