You were correct with the "you're".
The biggest problem with wind is what powers it, the wind, it is not consistent and it can't be controlled.
Solar has the same kinda inconsistent ability to harness it (is it sunny or cloudy or dark dingy and raining?) plus the solar cells, for now, are super SUPER unreliable and not really economical.
Seriously, look at these solar farms:
Yeah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, southern Cali, and Texas it may work... for the majority of the year. What about the part of the year it ISN'T sunny during.
For now, really nuclear power works great and can be used everywhere. But like anything, there are drawbacks. The spent fuel rods, possibility of someone being a douchebag and pulling a Chernobyl, and last crazy psychos trying to sneak shit out to make a bomb with it (dirty bomb, not nuclear bomb)