So this is whats up. I thought that the Eye Trip premiere was on saturday as opposed to tomorrow. But I have a soccer game tomorrow in Denver (Littleton) and school policy requires me to have a parent or guardian to pick me up from the game or else I have to take the bus back to the Springs. Unfortunatly, if I have to drive back up from the springs I would probably miss most of the movie. I do have a friend heading up from the springs to see the movie, but they're 17 and would not pass as a parent. So basically I need someone to pose as my parent in order for me to be able to not ride the bus back to school. This way whoever picks me up could simply drive me like half a mile from the stadium where my friend will be waiting. I'll hit you with like 5 bucks or something if anyone would be willing to help me out. But I'm really stoked for the movie and have been planning to go to it for awhile, but the game got rescheduled and I can't read calendars.
Sparknotes: I need an NSer in denver to pose as my parent.