I cannot stand people that worry about this shit, one of my best friends is that type of person, they dont drink tap water, unless its filtered, they make sure the pots and pans they buy dont emit any kind of harmful chemical's into their food, they pretty much gag at thought of buying thier food from a safeway instead of their annoying hippie i eat dirt store. their soap is organic because they dont want harmful chemicals being put on their skin, he flipped out when he saw i was using a certain type of lotion on my face, grabbed the bottle and pointed out like 3 ingredients that are "horrible" to put on your skin. they take bath's in this wierd organic bubble bath salt shit, i could keep going on for days about the retarded bullshit they buy into. and the worst is that they talk down on everyone else like they are lesser people.
and whats funny is that he gets sick more than anyone i know, he's out of shape, everything hurts him, and just not a healthy guy.
Im just thinking out loud here, but every fucking element,, mineral, whatever, is poisonous, and bad for you when you have too much of it. we cant avoid it. and these "chemicals" we are consuming are just a combination of elements, that we consume every day. and somehow that makes these foods not natural or organic. which makes no sense to me, because whatever the hell is in them came from the earth, from nature, and was combined with something else from the earth, there is no other way it could have came to be, nothing is unnatural.
theses stupid hippies make a big deal out of it, and unfortunately most people are dumb enough to believe them. so these big food companies push the whole "organic" scam like crazy, saying your poisoning your body if you dont buy our food. so people believe it even more. its an extremely good way for these companies to make money, and put higher prices on the same fucking product.
i heard that eating (i think it was) 1000 servings of "processed" foods per day for 10 years would give you the same amount of "harmful chemicals" as in one single cup of coffee.
its because there is an extremely small trace of something that could be harmful if you consumed 20 lbs of it per day. so they say make it into a big deal saying your killing yourself if you eat an almost untraceable amount of it.
another thing i heard, is that, if you really care, all organic farmers still use preservatives, but somehow someone came up with a definition for whats organic and whats not. so they are using organic preservatives. which means they cant have certain things in them. while the non organic farmers, can use "synthetic" preservatives, which actually are much much better for you. the synthetic preservatives exist because organic preservatives are more harmful.
i dont know where everyone got this idea that everything in nature (though i dont know how its possible to not have natural food) is good for you, go back 500 years, die when your 30 and tell me how that goes... these "processed" foods, are a hell of a lot healthier than eating shit straight out of the ground.