i agree with you that there are people getting way to worked up over islam, but..
don't play the ignorance and racist card when he presented mostly facts. to be honest a lot of really intolerant people know the koran better than those who cry for tolerance all over the place. he has a right to strongly disagree with islam as a religion.
and to the op, idk what you mean by "its a legitimate issue," what would the issue be exactly? how to stop islam? how to get rid of muslims? sorta sounds ridiculous
just because some of the things in the koran are really fucked, it doesn't mean every individual muslim is a bad person. think what you will about the ideology, but muslims, at least from my experience, are good people, and they have a right to practice their religion. judge the muslims you meet the same way you would anyone else, as an individual, not a part of something you automatically hate. i think the LDS church is wacko but i still have morman friends and i'm not campaigning against their religion. live and let live