I'm glad most of you like the movie, as you know it's been a very controversial subject. I found i even have a hard time recommending it to friends because although it is a great movie, it brings up a lot of stuff that most people could go on living happier without knowing (unless you eat a lot of apex predator fish you want to know about the mercury that comes with it). I know that as activists we're fighting and losing a war mostly against the big oil companies and their friends. They have way more money and can swarm any media to say whatever they want. If you disagree, I don't know what else to tell you. BP makes more money than Germany. That doesn't seem to get my dad down in the slightest. He's making a new movie about how humans are causing the 6th major extinction in Earth's history, he's shooting it in 3D and recording high def audio of species sounds that will inevitably go extinct in our lifetime. Heavy stuff. The working title is "the singing planet." It should come out in about 3 years and I have no doubt that it will be of the same caliber as the cove!
Sorry if I ranted. Hope this was helpful.