Replying to Quotations in the Searchbar
Since the searchbar change, its been hard to find certain threads with common key words. For example, if I was to search the phrase Ski The East, any thread with the key words Ski or East in it is brought up, which unfortunately is thousands of threads, meaning that chances are I won't be able to find anything on Ski The East.
The previous searchbar was different in the way that when Ski The East was searched, only results with the exact combination of Ski The East was put forward. This searchbar basically automatically uses quotations, as if you were using a search engine. It searches "Ski The East", while the searchbar now would search Ski The East.
My point is that could it be possible to integrate the two, like a regular search engine would, and allow users to choose to put in quotations around certain phrases if they want, rather then either automatically doing it (previous searchbar) or not being able to do it (new searchbar).
This would put down most of the arguing over the searchbar, and let the user choose how to search.
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