I live in the middle of Montana (agriculture land) and i do not farm but i know alot of farmers.
My brothers girlfriends parents have a farm and they do different kinds of crop and they are having an extremely good year. we have had lots of rain this year which have caused great crops all around.
the other farmers i know are getting about 80 to 100 bushels (ive talked to probably, 20 or so ). some are lower than 80, which still seems really high from the standard 40 or 50 (at least in wheat, maybe you can get that off of barley or some other crop)
with Russia's drought and the country not exporting wheat, combined with our states harvest this year im predicting a very fall and great crop prices.
my question to NS, how is the rest of the country doing on Harvest? good year, bad year, hail damage? can be any crop, corn, wheat, barley... anything
fall is always a good time of the year for our business (we sell furniture). when the farmers are happy, we are happy.