because he thinks he's bigger than the industry thats given him everything.
he doesn't hang out with other pros because he doesn't like hanging out with people he beats, pretty cool. he doesn't put out any real film parts because they don't get him much money, so they must be a waste of his time. he gets a perfect halfpipe that he doesn't share with anybody. he just shows up at competitions, wins, wallows in his awesomeness, grabs his check then leaves. he's the most obnoxious winner, and the sorest loser.
every other pro who has reached a similar level in their sport has given something back. even the dumont, who is also sore loser and extremely competitive, has an open competition to give something back. not "the animal" as he would call himself, he contributes absolutely nothing to the industry, but he's perfectly cool with taking tons of money from it. if he did anything to give back to the industry, i would gain a lot of respect for him. but he doesn't.
he was raised in snowboarding and the industry gave him all they could to help get to the top, and now that he's reached the top he wants nothing to do with it. he just wants the glory of winning and his prize money.