So I did a bit of searching, and I read through the entire ski maintenance thread, and it sounds like it would be a good idea to wax my skis multiple times before I first ski them, but how would I go about doing this, and how many times should I wax? Should I wax, wait like an hour, scrape and brush, and repeat? Or should I just wax and hot scrape for every application except for the last one? Also, should I be going cold waxes to warm waxes, or should I start with warm waxes and go to cold waxes? Finally, here's one of the best responses I found in the maintenance thread:
Swix mkes a Base Prep wax. Buy a 60g pack: (this is pretty much the best price out there).
The first wax application, your base is going to suck up the wax pretty much instantly. This will be visible; the darker-colored pools of wax will dry up quickly. Keep dripping on and ironing in wax until this stops. then wait for the wax to solidify (~20-30 min), and then scrape it and brush it out vigorously for about 5 minutes. Then wax again, same process as above, except the wax won't get sucked in as much. Then scrape & brush. Repeat until the base no longer sucks in the wax; your last application will just leave a layer of wax above the scraped/brushed base surfaced. Scrape/brush once more (devote a solid 10 minutes to this brushing, and then use a fiberline sheet or paper towel to wipe off any dirt), and let your skis set overnight. The next day, apply base prep once more, and then hot-scrape it (scrape while the wax is still liquid), and let it dry. Scrape, brush, and wait a half hour. Your bases are now ready to accept regular wax, so check your ski forecast and get-er-done!
But is base prep wax really much better than just waxing a bunch with normal waxes, or can I get by fine with normal waxes?