Ok first off, if you're going to just bag on people for playing xbox, then get the fuck out.
Secondly, if you've seen the trailer for this already and are contemplating buying it, DO IT. So entertaining and fun for an arcade game. If you want to see the trailer, check it out:
If you've ever played Team Fortress 2, it's essentially this but with bots and moneyballs. Just like on Team Fortress 2, you choose a class of competitor. Theres Assault, Tank, Assassin, Gunner, Sniper, and Support, each with their own "perks" if you will.
There's three types of games on here: Local Blitz, Xbox Live Blitz, and Crossfire
Local Blitz: You and three others from your xbox or system link team up to fight these bots that are sent out and your goal is to protect your moneyball. You can build turrets throughout the game with the money you've gained by destroying these bots.
Xbox Live Blitz: The same as Local Blitz, but you are now playing with friends online or just find a quick match with random people.
Crossfire: Not too different from Blitz, but now theres another team of six on the opposite side and you're both trying to destroy the other team's money ball while keeping yours in tact.
Along the way of playing you earn more and more money. This money can buy you titles (but other titles can be earned through gameplay) and custom classes. Custom classes allow you to choose the "perks" of your class. I've bought one so far and I made the sniper quicker on his feet. Great decision in my opinion.
***Sparknotes if you're lazy: If you have an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live and liked the game Team Fortress 2, BUY THIS GAME!