Hey guys I just finished my 1st rail to use with my summer setup and I need some help.
(I realize that this is the wrong forum and that it should go in Build-a-Jib and I apologize for that, I'm having some friends over to session it in 2 days and my Mom want's to make sure the rail isn't "dangerous" for when they use it so I need help fast)
Ok so the problem is that when I hit the rail it was
too slippery. Its a 20' PVC double barrel rail and when I got to around 8' my skis literally flew out from under me and I landed on one of the wooden braces that help support it. My Dad took a video and my front ski actually went above my head while I was falling.
This was the 1st time I hit the rail and I just had waxed it, also my edges are not sharp at all so that isn't the issue.
Speed isn't the issue either, if anything I have to much which isn't really a problem.
So my question to all you is how do you make a rail not so slippery and make it stick more?
(Again I'm sorry for posting this in NSG but I didn't think I would get help in time for when my friends are supposed to come over and session if I put it in Build-A-Jib)