So me and some friends are entering a longboarding edit competition, and the theme of our video is just a whole day of skating straight (kind of). So like were gonna have vid of us (5 people) waking up seperate places, and then skating/ doing whatever until sunset.
Planned out, the video will look like this:
1. Sunrise/ everyone wakes up
2. Longboarding/ a little sailing or whatever mixed in
3. Longboaridng ends, and sunset closes vid.
The problem is, is that we cant decide on a song that would fit it well. The into needs to be long enough so that we can get shots of 5 people waking up+ a fastforwarded sunrise, the song needs to be about 3-5 minutes in leangth, with an ending that can fit a fastforwarded sunset. Also it cant be too epic, or fast paced. Epic, but chill at the same time.
Anyone know a song that would work???
10/10 K for anyone that helps!