epoxy is about as strong as you can get ...
get slow curing epoxy; it's a little bit more flexible and will retain better ....
i've remounted my scott p4 3 times; i ripped out first time, got new holes drilled, ripped those out as well, then i drilled out the secondary mount holes and got brass inserts + epoxy and they hold up perfectly now ....
It really all depends, if the new holes are far enough away from the original and you fill the old ones up with epoxy you're good to go ....
if you want to reuse some of the old holes, your best shot is drilling it out a little bit bigger and getting a brass insert or having a shop put in a helicoil for you ....
of course the ski is gonna be weaker then on it's first mount, but its worth a shot .....
what are you actually planning to do ?
get different bindings and use completely different holes ?
or use the same bindings and reuse some of the old ones ?
and how are the old holes? did he rip them out or did he have the bindings unmounted ?
and make sure the core didn't absorb any moist through o e of the old mounting holes....
if the previous owner had 2 sets of holes in his ski and didn't fill one set up before taking it out on the mountain, i'm pretty sure your core is moldy by now and i wouldn't recommend skiing on it ....
but really it all depends; take it to a shop ....