Hello guys and girls, skiers and snowboarders.
It is really taking off in London this year. We can’t believe peoplehave already found out about it on here. We are now showing 5 films rangingfrom Awone films, Level 1, Poor Boyz to Unity productions and Aestivation.
We are going to start spreading the word on www.extreme.com,www.downdays.eu, www.darksummer.co.uk, www.unityproductions.co.uk, www.skibartlett.com (our co-host),www.amc-development.co.uk and anywhere else we can get some press releases outover the next few weeks.
Of course add yourself to the facebook event http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=147009598645156and invite everyone you know.
I’ve put up the poster and the back of the flyer which gives you most ofthe information.
The event is 18+ because of the venue but looks to be a great night withriders attending and some big name sponsors making amazing donations to theraffle and free give-aways – every ticket gives you one entry into the raffle and the closer to the stage you get the more free stuff.
Check out www.amc-development.co.ukfor more information and updates on who’s attending.
Hopefully see people there. J