He had one because in Indonesia, they require(d) you to have documentation to attend school in that nation, or receive any other state run programs at the time.. it was a military dictatorship at the time, Suharto had just come to power... shit was wacky as fuck back then in SE Asia... (still is...)
I understand it's said that he used it when he traveled to India and Pakistan in '81 to visit family... but at the time, you couldn't enter with a US passport. There was a banning order in place on US passports entering the nation. (especially being that the soviets were knocking on the door to the north at the time, they didn't want to get in the middle of anything... Not sure if that's the reason behind it, but just goes to show the tension in the air at the time) If he used Indonesian documents to enter the nation, big deal... doesn't take away anything from the fact that he was born Aug 4th 1961, In HAWAII - A US state at the time of his birth - Which is more than my Dad can say, being born in Alaska in '52, when it WASN'T a state...