They're wicked fun too. Heavy bastards though, especially if you load them up with Dukes.
They ski very very much like the old ones, they're just a little burlier, more bulldozerish. Handle chop/half tracked snow a bit better. Good for skiing through small trees and the such, haha.
I got a couple of laps on the new Fujas the other day (mounted at +2, wtf?)
They're good fun, plenty of pop, but much softer than the old ones in the tip and tail. Where the old ones were springy and buttery these are getting closer to the 'bents in the way they flex.
Yet to ski the Domain, for some reason the local demo guy won't run any, reckons they'll just get smashed up on rails.
I haven't tried the new Obsethed yet but it seems like a stiffer version of the old Hellbent for all intents and purposes. Surprisingly poppy and my mate who took the 179's out for a bit reckoned they go through crud like it's not there.