Awesome jump ski. Things I like: wider landing platform than my Pipecleaners, fast, the rocker doesn't flap and gives an awesome feel when spinning off a lip, very solid and ideal stiffness for my taste.
Good pow ski. Through about 8 inches of pow I was very pleased, and the nice thing was using them in the park once the April sun came out and slushed it up. They are stiff enough to handle fast lines and bumpy crud, just keep in mind they are a do-it-all ski so they aren't going to perform like a pow/crud specific ski.
My absolute favorite thing about this ski is that it solves the problem I have every day in Colorado:
"Damn it snowed 6 inches last night.....pow skis or park skis? Is it gonna be embellished numbers and tracked out 2 inches up there? Or did they severely under report an actual pow day?"
I take the J-mo out every time this happens and I'm never disappointed. Never again will I look at my pow skis and cringe at the thought of missing a pow day while on my park skis or being stuck with my fat ones when there is no snow to be had. I will be moving away from my conveniently close mountains next year and likely will sell my pow and park skis, so it will also be awesome to have a one ski quiver I can keep for my trips back home. If you travel and only want to bring one pair of skis, these do the trick.
Finally, mine are on pace to be the most durable ski I've owned. They are holding up very well, as are my Billy Goats. Highly recommended.