so i have came onto a problam recently, here is the story
i totaled my car about 3 weeks ago, i need a car in order to get to work everyday, right now ive been mooching rides off everyone, i have dodge ram 1500 that i want to buy for a killer deal of 2.5 grand this guy is giving me,i already have a grand saved and im not going to have enought money for it unless i work my ass off until mid august, i also have a 4 hundro dollhair schoolership to woodward pa this summer for skiing, and the last week i can use it on is august 8th-14th,
now if i got to woodward A) i need to pay the 600 more dollers to go to woodward B) i need to take a week off of work which mean im loosing half a paycheck (i get paid every two weeks) meaning the guy might not want to wait longer for the money and will sell it by then, and there is absolutly nothing for cheap thats realiable for sale anymore
if i work my ass off and get the truck A) i have a ride again and can go back to going out every night B) i miss out on a half paid chance to get better at skiing and expand my photography in action sports
now the opinon i need from you, if you were me would you take the truck or woodward?
no my parents will not pay for my cars, i am not rich little faggot who gets everything paid for him, my dads unemployed and lives in south jersey and my mom has to pay for the morgage on the house and has to support me and my sister through schooling, /small rant