Replying to Powder Ski Advice Please
HELLO NS! I am looking into a first pair of POW skis. I have done a litte bit of research so I know the basics. I am 14 years old 5'3" and 110 lbs. I live in Coumbus, Ohio so I am looking at only 2-3 trips a year to ski powder. I also want them to ride the mountain with and mess around on. I'm thinking about going with the EP Pro's buuuutt 185 is way to big I think. I ride 164's right now. I also have to keep in mind I've grown 2.5inches in the last month. I want these skis to last a long time but I still want them to be funcinal this season. I would love for them to be noodly soft, reverse camber/ rocker. what would you guys recommend? Would 185's be too long? What would my other options be?
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