First thing, chill the fuck out bro. You really should calm down and act like a mature adult. Second thing you lost me at " Now, how is the probability of these factors greater than the idea that an all knowing, all powerful master being (that fulfills all criteria of a "perfect being"), of which there is only 1 in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, came to our insignificant solar system, which is one in a trillion in our galaxy, among 10^16 other galaxies in this great universe."
You honestly think he physically CAME to our universe and made us then? Really? Amazing. And I'm sure he "created us to worship him so that we may achieve an eternal paradise".
No matter how you splice it, the chances of there existing SOME kind of IG are smaller than life coming to this planet from a flying comet (which is a combination of methane/ice water/ammonia/dirt, after being created from gas exploding from coalescing together over billions of years is highly debatable, though you and I will never see eye to eye on this.
Perhaps you feel some bias from your past and background, just as I do. It doesn't mean you can call me full of shit.
While writing this I tried to find an actual NON biased website for mathematical probability of ID versus evolution/bang theory but non really existed and I'm not going to waste my time on you for longer than I really have to.