Ok, so at the beginning of the season I baught a pair of Oakley wisdoms, Black with fire lenses from Getboards. Well my fourth to last day skiing, first run of the day, I was doing a blue square groomer, anddd for some reason, My right ski ejected. Well, in my battle to stay up at that speed, I faceplanted pretty bad.
Well, I didnt notice it then (I noticed in the lodge later on) that my Inner lense is cracked. It comes from the left side of the nose peice up about an inch and a half. I have no clue how this happened on the INSIDE.
I didnt trash my goggles at all, besides a few scratches on the lense here and there, Thier in pretty good condition.
Now does anyone know if Oakley would be able to warrenty this? I'm not looking for new goggles, just a new lense. I didnt abuse them, so does anyone here know if they could send me a new lense if i send them the old one? and also, does anyone have any experience with them?
'You pipe down' -West