so a few weeks ago my cock bag roommate threw a party and absolutely trashed the house, scratched the hardwood floors, puked all over my bathroom, spilled shit everywhere, etc etc and didnt clean any of it up. so since he didnt bother to clean up, i blocked his computer, ipod, and xbox (plays 6 - 10 hours of COD a day) from using my wireless router. so he has no access to internet at the house because the cable modem is locked in my room so he cant plug it. i also put key switches on the stereo/amp, washer/dryer, and the big screen/cable box in the living room (he doesnt have cable in his room so he can only watch tv up there). seeing as my other two roommates and i paid for or brought all of the above items, we are simply not letting him use our things anymore for fear of him trashing them like he did the house. clearly none of this is an act of aggression. well a few days ago i go out to leave for work and i have a flat. my tires have road hazard protection, no big deal. i took the tire in to goodyear and they cant find a leak. they filled it up and sent me on my merry way. next morning, same thing. so i filled it up and then i got clever. i had previously used an arduino and cellular module to build circuits capable of sending text messages. i put an IR proximity sensor between the spokes on the tire and designed the circuit to text me as well as trigger a camera to take a picture every 5 seconds whenever anything got closer than 6 inches to the tire. that night i got a text at about 3 30. i go out and find that fucker letting the air out of my tire. we got into a heated argument and he just went and locked himself in his room.
so now i want revenge. so far i have taken a syringe and injected all of his yogurts and applesauce (thats all he eats) with vinegar, i plan on calling the cops for underage drinking at his next party. hes a junior in college and has half high schoolers and half freshman at all of his parties. its sad. i dont want to actually damage or break anything but i want to piss the fuck head off. so i am calling on you NS, what else could i do to piss him off before he moves out in 3 weeks?