Yes, this is without a doubt, a definent repost, but the threads about it havn't been updated in a while so I'm creating another (there's only been 2 or 3 threads about this)
Anyways last night I went and saw Inception with a buddy of mine and this was one movie where neither him or I talked at all during it. (Usually when the movie blows, we yell things or throw stuff) Inception was a different movie. One that is a bit hard to understand, but once you got the feel for it, it was mind-blowing. I highly reccomend it to you guys. It's a great trip.
Also, during the Ski scene i noticed the enemy troops where reppin' Splices and/or C-bars. You guys that havnt seen the movie will enjoy the ski scene. Its pretty awesome.
So just wanted to let you know how i thought it went. Im no movie critic, but this movie was great and I felt like sharing how I felt.