personally I love it. I'm going to be a junior at UVM and the program is pretty cool. My first computer class was in high school and it was half c++ and half java as well. Thats really what got me started. Fixing computers is relatively easy. Mainly just providing google with a couple good key search words and not being too computer illiterate.
As far as networking that is still a very broad subject. If your talking about setting up a router than that is quite simple. Its mostly plugging it in and navigating yourself to and setting up your settings. If your refferring to network security I would work my way over to Its a cool site that sets you as an ethical hacker set out to learn cool little things about network security. To truly understand security you gotta understand it from both sides.
Mostly with computers its learning as much as you can and understanding how everything works together.
Lemme know if you any more questions.