I posted this back after Bobby's triple and I think it still applies:
What I never can understand is how in all of these arguments, people totally disregard why we ski. If you've done a million flat 5s, would it heighten your skiing experience doing a double? Hell yeah. So now, if you've done a ton of doubles, how do you elevate that experience?Can you imagine what Bobby felt like in the in-run to doing a triple and the sensation he skied away with after stomping it? That's something anyone who says "this isn't leading freestyle skiing in the right direction" just isn't going to experience. You can work on style and perfecting grabs day in day out, but that isn't going to deliver nearly the same level of satisfaction as doing something terrifying and pulling it off. I give Bobby all the props in the world, and I happened to see him just after he pulled off the triple, and the beaming expression on his face was all the evidence I needed to indicate that he was doing something right.
As Shane McConkey once said, "I'll take balls over style any day." The thing is, if you can combine balls and style (as Bobby and Sammy did), all the more props to you.