Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
This is hilarious... you start a thread about talking shit to people, and the only guy who gets reamed out is Atlantaski. I'm sorry, I just find that funny. Nobody likes that guy!
And Kelly, it's probably not a good idea for you to start posting in this thread and reminding everyone how little they like you. Just not advisable.
But if I was going to add anyone to this, I'm gonna have to say Coolcat. What an idiot this guy is. It pains me that the human race could produce such a festering infection of the species. He's completely devoid of anything that even vaguely resembles a redeeming characteristic. He's so insanely irritating, you HAVE to assume he's doing it on purpose and has a talent for it... and finally, he hates cCanadians for no good reason, despite the fact that the nowhere in the entire nation would he find a single person dumber than him.
Well, that was juvenile. I guess we see what NS is really about. Freezy is gonna delete this
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
''Gay people are fags'' -Atlantaski
''dude i am literat i just cant spell worth shit u got prob with it bitch'' -Bridgerbowlskier
''Gay marriages are gay.'' -SUpilot
'if it werent for women, i wouldnt have to wear condoms' -Hucksterjibber