so newschoolers, ive been working my ass off all year, and picked up a second job for the summer, and realized i had nothing to be working towards, and nothing to do with all my money. so recently i've decided to buy my first car. all things go as planned, ill be licensed in september, but i decided to start looking now. and i am in no way car savvy, so please be gentle with the verbal ass kickings, and any help is greatly appreciated.
first option: bmw 323i. guy would let it go for $4500. all the specs are on the (hopefully clicky) link;jsessionid=S17WsvENv-kWXJGZODoDSRS?tab=summary&paId=355888024&recnum=&actLog=&listingId=44260750&paId=355888024&listingRecNum=6&criteria=sf1Dir%3dASC%26mkId%3d20005%26stkTyp%3dU%26rd%3d30%26crSrtFlds%3dstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId%26zc%3d01460%26rn%3d0%26PMmt%3d1-0-0%26stkTypId%3d28881%26sf1Nm%3dprice%26alMkId%3d20005%26rpp%3d50%26feedSegId%3d28705&tracktype=usedcc&pageNumber=&numResultsPerPage=&largeNumResultsPerPage=0&sortorder=descending&sortfield=PRICE&certifiedOnly=false&aff=national
next: i just stumbled upon this, looks great, low mileage, etc. and come one, its pretty sexy.
im really looking at a lot vdubs, they are very moderately priced, seem to be solid cars, and get some nice gas mileage. im now leaning towards the volkswagens because a beemer, although sick, would have outrageous repair fees.
any input/suggestions would be awesome. i cant afford anything over $5,000 and i am looking for a manual.