If approved by BP and the joint incident command in New Orleans, the A Whale could provide a much-needed scaling up of oil-skimming capacity in the Gulf. More than 500 medium to small oil skimmers – a five-fold increase since early June – are still largely losing the race to clean up oil escaping from the Macondo well ever since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 and causing what this week became the largest oil spill ever in the Gulf of Mexico.
IN PICTURES: The Gulf oil spill's impact on nature
Moreover, Mr. Su and his A Whale are likely to test EPA and Coast Guard red tape that, critics say, has stood in the way of ramping up oil-collection efforts across the Gulf.
The EPA is the most fucking USELESS organization ever created. A Whale needs a permit for discharging pollutants, in spite of the fact that skimmed water is orders of magnitude cleaner than what it takes in.
Vote Tea Party and fuck bureaucracy. This is disgusting.