Alright, so I'm going off to college/university next year.
The thing that worries me, is that I'm not sure if its what I really want to do, or if its what I should be doing right now.
I have basically a few options right now.
First, there is the option of going and getting a degree. Not sure what I want that for. Can I see myself working 9-5 ever? Not really, what the fuck would I do that for? Probably not going to be supporting a family too soon, I don't really have a desire for owning really nice cars, or a big house, or a nice apartment. Its not something that interests me.
So why would I bother with a degree?
Sure, my major (physics) is something that interests me. Thats really why I'm taking it. Just to learn a bit, because I'm more or less riding the wave and going to university like everybody else. Do I actually plan on using it as a career? Not really. Maybe if I finish the degree I will. Who knows? Maybe I'll go on to get my masters/doctorate. Can I see myself working on the cutting edge of science? Not really. I think I have the ability to do it, but I don't think thats what I want to do.
So what else could I do? Why would deciding not to go to university be a good idea?
Well, for one thing I'm a pretty solid skier, I have some pretty respected instructing and coaching certification (CSIA and CSCF), and am very capable of getting more certification. I've done a year of coaching, and I think I can safely say that I was pretty popular with the kids I was coaching (it was an all mountain team), and that I was the favourite coach on the team. The head coach was a douchebag to me and all the kids, and took every opportunity to give me the absolute worst group of kids to coach. I still managed to have fun, and so did the kids. I can safely say that I could make a job out of coaching and instructing. I also know a few people at resorts and through teams that could hook me up, and I have a lot more certs and experience than your average 18 year old kid fresh out of high school.
Tons of people do the ski bum thing, and with my experience and skill, I think I can safely say I have an advantage over the average person entering that life right out of high school.
But realistically, you've always got to be thinking about the future. We all have to think about where we're going, what we're going to do 20 years down the road; its life. Can ski bumming/coaching/instructing lead anywhere? Maybe. Probably?
Head coaches make decent money. Maybe somewhere along the way I would meet the right people and get involved in the ski industry. Maybe there's a little hill somewhere that needs a decent team. Who knows? Its a gamble for sure, but so is everything. Last year, nothing saved you from the economic collapse. A degree helped you no more than your work experience bagging groceries.
Looks like solid options on both ends.... I have the option of getting a degree, I have the option of ski bumming it, and I have the option of doing the whole poor musician thing if I want to (not going to elaborate on that last one, this post is long enough as is).
So what do I do? With all these options, what is the best one for me and my life?
I honestly think the best way to answer that is through figuring out what I want to do. So many people get influenced by other people such as parents, friends, mentors, relatives, etc. They lose sight of what they actually want to do. Its easy to be convinced that you should do something by someone you respect. I think the trick to being happy in life is to not let your life get steered by other people, but instead take the reigns and do what YOU want to do. Its your life, your freedom. Sure, your parents raised you, but thats their obligation. When they had a child they agreed to raise you and release you when you became an adult. I don't think I should be obligated to do anything based on anyone else's charity - its a good way to get trapped and have other people choose what you'll do in life for you.
So then what to I want to do? I'm just going to write down everything I want to do in life off the top of my mind right here:
Play music in a band.
Ski the way I want to.
Ski all over the world.
Do something big.
Meet tons of people.
Learn as much as possible through other people and experiences.
These are the big ones for me. Can I accomplish those through going to university? Maybe. I can definitely accomplish a few of those through doing that. But where are my priorities in that list?
Do something big.
Ski the way I want to.
Ski all over the world.
Learn as much as possible through other people and experiences.
Play music in a band.
Meet tons of people.
So what do I do? I've got so many options, so many choices... Is university the right thing for me to do at this point in my life? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Right now, I'm starting to think its not what I should be doing at this point.
The wonderful thing about life is that there are so many options. I literally have every inch of soil, water, forest, and air on this planet at my fingertips to use to accomplish my goals. Most people would think that knowing that would make you feel great.
I'm scared of it.
I once heard a saying along the lines of "Its not our inability to act that scares us, but our incredible capacity to do great things".
I also once heard a saying "fear is failure". I often feel I should pursue the things that scare me the most - they often lead to the greatest rewards.
So where does that leave me? Where should I go? I'm leaning more and more to choosing my own freedom, and facing my fears, than taking the easy path and going through the traditional university-job-retirement path.
I could keep going, but I just want your thoughts NS.
Sparknotes: Not sure if university is right for me. PLEASE read my post if you can though, I put a lot of time into it, and maybe it will help some of you guys too.