so as we all know, in recent months, the quality of many NS threads has gone down. sometimes it's the posts in the threads, but more often than not, it's the threads themselves. this morning i was looking at NSG and was just so disappointed. i used to love it, but now i go out of my way to avoid it. so this morning i had an idea about a way to possibly limit this. a few months ago, Rowen made a n00b guide to NS. it was an accurate, helpful guide for all the new members. and i'm sure that many of the new members who saw it heeded the advice. however, from personal experience, i've found that site discussion is one of the lesser frequented forums, especially for new members. basically, the problem is that not enough people see the guide, and most of those who do are members who don't need it.
i think that new members should be given a mandatory tutorial esque thing when they join. like a flash "slideshow" sort of thing that says like "this is the searchbar. use this before every created thread" things like that
there have been threads that are similar to this, i know that-otherwise this would be incredibly embarrassing and ironic-but i'm pretty sure this is a bit different.
anyway, have a good day NS