Replying to Xbox and more fs
List of the games that you will recieve when you purchase and they all work:
Gears of war
ncaa bball 10
Gutair hero 3
nba live 09
halo 3
mortal kombat vs dc universe
gears of war 2
ncaa bball 09
madden 09
call of duty 4
on my hardrive i bought games and those are:
GTA san andreas
Trials HD
and like 5 indie games which include a lacrosse game
i have a wired controller, a wireless connection adapter, 20 gigabyte harddrive, 50 mb memory card, a 1 month gold card, and more stuff like battery packs and rechargeble packs and rechargeable cords, i have the power cord and i have the HDMI / regular tv cords. and i have my xbox live acc im willing to sell my gamertag is: FUCn BABYPOOP look it up its a general grade 3 in halo 3 and 10th prestige 55 in cod 4 and its got like 8000 gamerscore... i have more stuff i just have to find it.
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