So tonight's my first night home in about two and a half weeks because of a trip to Tampa and just hanging out with friends. As I'm sitting at home I realize I'm pretty bored and not tired so I go for a longboard sesh. My house is in Minnesota surrounded by lake, swamp, and woods and there is literally no traffic at this time of night so I'm not worried about it. Once I get about 2-3 miles away, my ipod was finished playing a song, and I heard what I thought to have been a bird. I pop out my skull candies and what do I hear? Three second-long shrieks that happened every five seconds or so. At this time I'm almost shitting my pants so I start hauling ass down this road that is about a mile long and downhill the whole way back. I'm going about 25 when I see something in the road. I'm still scared shitless so I'm thinking it's probably in my head but I start slowing down. I get about twenty feet away when I realize it's a deer.I had to bail and now I'm about 8/9 feet away and he's just staring me down, mean muggin'. We look at each other for about ten seconds and then he books into the swamp. I grab my longboard and continue to haul ass. When I get halfway home I see a car. I immediately think this is weird because no one drives around here at this time. I get out of it's way when I see another car turning on to the road. I think this is weird also. He/She peels out into the street and starts going about 50 or so (the roads like a 30) and they are driving fuggin' nuts. I just got home, and I'm sweaty and scared.