Soo this past weekend was fathers day. MY day is HUGE into rock wall climbing, dude has climbed devils tower, done shit on Mt. Blanc, and the Grand teton among tons of other shit. Anyways, i figured for fathers day instead of buying him some stupid gift that he would never use I would go rock climbing with him.... Shit was INSANE!! We went to this place called the Gunks in New Paltz NY and did like 10 climbs between 2 days. I finally think I have found a sport for the summer time I might love as much skiing. There is something crazy about being up on a rock face lookin out over ur shoulder and seeing a helicopter flying below you out in the distance while standing on a 1/4 inch ledge lol.
Indoor rock wall climbing is sick but I urge anyone who has interest to try outdoor rock climbing.
p.s for anyone who has done it before and is interested we only did climbs between 5.6 and 5.8, tried one 5.10 but i failed miserably on the roof lol.