oh my god!! how could that man say skittles taste like doo-doo, you can use them in alcoholic beverages such as this one
Single Serving (25mL Shot)
Separate the colors of Skittles that you want to flavor the vodka with. Many people choose to leave out the green, which is lime
if you are using original Skittles, and purple, which is grape in the
original style, as they can create a weird taste combination or a less
than appealing color for the final product, but you can put them in if
you want. Or, if you don't mind mixing flavors, skip this step.
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Add six Skittles to 25ml of vodka. Keep
swirling the mixture until the Skittles are almost completely
dissolved. Note that the ratio of Skittles to vodka varies from recipe
to recipe, you can experiment to find your preferred mix.
Filter out the remaining Skittle "insides". With single servings like this, you can decide which flavor(s) you like best and proceed to making bottles, if you desire.
Pour out some vodka from a bottle to make room for Skittles.
Separate the Skittles.
Add the Skittles (20-25 per 350 mL).
Let the mixture sit for a day or two. Shake occasionally so the flavor mixes well.
Strain out the Skittles using a filter, such as a paper coffee filter or a clean t-shirt.
Refrigerate overnight.