Replying to Developing Pictures - our own home-brewed charity
Dearest NS friends,
Inspired by our love of video-making and freestyle skiing, a group of us NSers from sunny upstate NY have decided to take our steeze off the hill and put it to use trying to save the world. Last year, as freshmen in college, we started a little group called Developing Pictures to concentrate our humanitarian efforts and get organized. Our mission is to use media as a vehicle for raising awareness and funds for small NGOs and other non-profits in the developing world who are doing incredible work with little-to-no recognition, as well as inspire other young people to get involved in volunteerism. Our work so far has been in Kenya and post-earthquake Haiti, but the potential scope is truly limitless.
This is the part where you guys come in. Developing Pictures is growing, and we want NS to be a part of it. Not only are we trying to get volunteers to go down and work on our projects in Haiti (PM me if you're interested), but we're open to any kind of collaboration on the home front or abroad.
Here's a call to artists/designers/whatever- we're looking to open an online store with clothing, art, and all sorts of other stuff. If you want to dedicate some of your talent to charity (you can donate any percentage of the proceeds), we would be stoked to include your stuff on our site. It is our philosophy that if you have ANY talent, you can find a way to use it to make the world a nicer place. You might need to get creative, but that's what makes it fun.
In any case, check out our site and let us know what you think!
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