I beginning my search for a new camcorder and was hoping to get some advice. I'm looking to upgrade to a semi-professional camcorder. I'm hoping to find something for under $2000. I currently shoot with a Panasonic HDC-TM15. It has an above average picture but nothing special at all.
I was looking at the Sony HDR-FX7 Handycam (http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&XID=O:hdrfx7:dg_ggldf&productId=11034787#specifications) but not really sure if that is even the right place to start my search.
I'm hoping I can get some advice for what to look for in a camcorder and a few suggestions of different ones.
I have a few questions:
What exactly should I be looking for spec wise?
What frame rate is best for skiing (ie slowmo shots, etc)? 24fps? 30? 60? What is each frame rate best for?
Is a camcorder even the way to go or should I consider a DLSR?
I'm looking to have the camera as portable as possible while still have great quality.
Any help would be appreciated.