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this thread is for irishdrink
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
you are a slut, go die
if you study high, take the test high
Posts: 1636
Karma: 91
Simple and to the point
Posts: 3945
Karma: 26
at least now there will be no hate for runing her thread
'One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain'
Posts: 1105
Karma: 10
I can't believe she hasn't ruined it yet
Hippies - they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Pabst Blue Ribbon is the greatest beer ever.
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
im just waiting for her to post on this thread
if you study high, take the test high
Posts: 731
Karma: 10
i like sluts...and i love IrishDrink87
Founder of S1S Films..
i (heart) Filmmaking..
*Fuck Bees* Killer, Flying Horses? Now that's scary shit!
Posts: 6836
Karma: 22
IrishDrink87: hey
IrishDrink87: hey
IrishDrink87: if you dont want to talk, thats fine
Auto response from Irotate360: v
IrishDrink87: gottcha...
Irotate360: people think ur a guy
Irotate360: and how do i no ur not
IrishDrink87: why would they think im a guy? do you know how many people have messaged me asking me my asl and if i would do them?
IrishDrink87: its so aggervating
IrishDrink87: i have a web cam
IrishDrink87: and other pictures to prove im not
IrishDrink87: or you could not talk to me
Irotate360: its kinda funny
IrishDrink87: that works to
Irotate360: so u did sam
Irotate360: he lives in WA
IrishDrink87: no i didnt
IrishDrink87: lol
IrishDrink87: ive known him for a really long time though
IrishDrink87: and i said something to him for my first post
IrishDrink87: and so he asked me if he could tell people we had sex
IrishDrink87: and i said okay
Irotate360: haha got ya
IrishDrink87: but you never know, cause i am a 'slut'
Irotate360: how do u no that 7 in isnt enough when u have never had sex
IrishDrink87: i have had sex
IrishDrink87: lol
IrishDrink87: people misunderstood my post
IrishDrink87: i said i never said i have had sex
IrishDrink87: but at the same time, i never said i didnt
IrishDrink87: got that?
Irotate360: yea
Irotate360: so u snowboard
IrishDrink87: k
IrishDrink87: all the time
IrishDrink87: i skied when i was younger
IrishDrink87: but my dad snowboarded
IrishDrink87: and i wanted to know what it was like
Irotate360: and u post on a ski site
Irotate360: ?
IrishDrink87: lol
IrishDrink87: sam got me started
Irotate360: oo ok
IrishDrink87: that whole thread was me just being stupid
IrishDrink87: i really wasnt intending all of that
Irotate360: yea its quite funny
IrishDrink87: lol
IrishDrink87: for you
IrishDrink87: but you try having like, 100 people hating you for getting in a fight that you didnt even start
IrishDrink87: ITS SUPER
IrishDrink87: lol
Irotate360: yea some people on thier dont like me as well
IrishDrink87: it is funny though, and i can see why people would get all butt hurt for me starting a thread like that
Irotate360: yea screw em
IrishDrink87: seriously, just fucking internet people
IrishDrink87: what the hell are they doing with their lives
IrishDrink87: haha
IrishDrink87: but im there with em, so i dont know what im saying
if u have a problem call 1800 fuck-off(toll free)
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
hmmm... I thought that would be funny. But it wasn't, really.
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
''Gay people are fags'' -Atlantaski
''dude i am literat i just cant spell worth shit u got prob with it bitch'' -Bridgerbowlskier
''Gay marriages are gay.'' -SUpilot
'if it werent for women, i wouldnt have to wear condoms' -Hucksterjibber
Posts: 6836
Karma: 22
it wasnt meant to be.....but i deff gotta take my im name outta my profile
if u have a problem call 1800 fuck-off(toll free)
Posts: 4243
Karma: 138
by saying she has had sex, and that 7 is nothing to be proud of, wouldn't that make it easier for us to define her as a slut?
Here Comes A Special Boy!
Posts: 9
Karma: 10
give her a break... ancd how is she a slut for starting a post on anal!?!?!?! its not like she started one on masturbation like others already have...
~Live to Ryde, Ryde to live~
Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
yeah...That was a golden opportunity to further ruin her NS respect, and you actually took her side.
wait, what ns respect.
Posts: 1031
Karma: 187
Posts: 405
Karma: 10
The fact that she is new and got everyones attention so fast shows how starved we are for good entertainment.
'And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand. That our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patrie, Et fili spiritu sancti'-Boondock Saints
Posts: 9248
Karma: 27
^^^haha i was kind of thinking that myself
Posts: 731
Karma: 10
how many other girls on here start a thread about anal...or post about her couchie hairs?...i got respect for her...WORD...hehe
Founder of S1S Films..
i (heart) Filmmaking..
*Fuck Bees* Killer, Flying Horses? Now that's scary shit!
Posts: 9248
Karma: 27
viva la sexual revolution!!
Posts: 11466
Karma: 36
i think shes just leaking,i said she came off as a slut in her anal thread,then she came at me in the deoderant thread? that shows a level of maturity since i just further bashed on her in other threads....thought i sank to her level that doesnt make me a slut
'You can't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'
'so basically i lost my penis trying to have sex with my cat' Misty7
I like my eggs like i like my runs,poached
'Who's not 18 yet? What? LA LA LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you.'~Jay aka rebel
'five0 is a crazy sexy nutcracker motherfucker'~Everyone
Posts: 4483
Karma: 7
Fuck her, shes a whore... come on everybody jump on a band wagon here and lets give out our WHORE SHOUTOUTS...
Posts: 7854
Karma: 89
yeah she was talkin alot of shit in the deodderant (sp?) thread towards five0, i would have sworn she was a guy for all the shit she talks.
Hardcore drug abuse.....so hot right now. -west
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
^hahaha. sexist much? that was quite possibly the best thing iv heard all day
-Thom Savery
please pardon the cacography
'Oooohhhhhhhh, 'straight edge', that sounds so hardcore, I guess it's just better than saying 'I'm a sanctimonious pussy who thinks he's better than everyone else.'' -Gdawg3
Posts: 7016
Karma: 187
no matter how you look at it, she won
i wont drop out of high school for skiing, mom
Posts: 7016
Karma: 187
(getting the attention she craves/craved)
i wont drop out of high school for skiing, mom
Posts: 1068
Karma: 10
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
haha, how can anyone say the above convo wasnt funny? she tried to spell 'there' wrong and failed...she TRIED to spell it wrong, and couldnt do it, yea, she is so smart
if you study high, take the test high
Posts: 1568
Karma: 17
water, that doesnt make sense
Arggg...I am a pirate!
Posts: 11466
Karma: 36
yeah i didnt quite get that one either...
'You can't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'
'so basically i lost my penis trying to have sex with my cat' Misty7
I like my eggs like i like my runs,poached
'Who's not 18 yet? What? LA LA LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you.'~Jay aka rebel
'five0 is a crazy sexy nutcracker motherfucker'~Everyone
Posts: 882
Karma: 11
^don't agree with her! call her a bitch i want another fight!
Team Fresh
'Coolcat has officially dethroned Atlantaski, and is now the King of NS Idiocy. You're singlehandedly lowering the standard of this site. Good job, jackass.'- J.D._May
Posts: 882
Karma: 11
^don't agree with her! call her a bitch i want another fight!
Team Fresh
'Coolcat has officially dethroned Atlantaski, and is now the King of NS Idiocy. You're singlehandedly lowering the standard of this site. Good job, jackass.'- J.D._May
Posts: 1568
Karma: 17
^ got it the first time homestar
Arggg...I am a pirate!
Posts: 882
Karma: 11
^ its called a accidental double post dumb ass
Team Fresh
'Coolcat has officially dethroned Atlantaski, and is now the King of NS Idiocy. You're singlehandedly lowering the standard of this site. Good job, jackass.'- J.D._May
Posts: 1868
Karma: 14
Arggg ... i'm a whore
my drinking team has a skiing problem
Posts: 882
Karma: 11
^ haha nice
Team Fresh
'Coolcat has officially dethroned Atlantaski, and is now the King of NS Idiocy. You're singlehandedly lowering the standard of this site. Good job, jackass.'- J.D._May
Posts: 43
Karma: 10
veryvery nice ok irishdrink im gettign a plaque mailed to u i just need ur street address it says...'to the best whore on Newschoolers.com and also im sending another one it says...'give me butt sex now five-0'tehn im sendign one to five-0 too its says...'for the most ARGGuments won against the irishdrinker'
Posts: 2431
Karma: 14
hmm im gonna through in my two cents... YOU ARE AN UGLY HO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU GOT A FUCKIN BEATING FROM THE UGLY STICK. ugh she is dirty, and not hot, and struts around like she knows everything about sex and then acts surprised when people call her a slut
'Let's give them milk, and cookies, and handcuffs.'- Jacko
'michael moore called...said he is ready to fuck you again' - SUpilot
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
if you study high, take the test high
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
She seems like she's an immature 15 year old.
What is the colour of a mirror?
'Fear is your only god' - Zach Dela Rocha
NS hockey pool champion: 2003
Posts: 239
Karma: 12
Dude we all know shes a slut and all , just let her get her butt cut and her fuckin asshole tear itll be worth it
Dedicated to the East Coast
Posts: 882
Karma: 11
shoot i've tried so hard to be the most hated and all she has to do is post about butt sex. this sucks.
Team Fresh
Posts: 1105
Karma: 10
^something that should have made her the most liked member of Newschoolers.
Hippies - they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Pabst Blue Ribbon is the greatest beer ever.
Posts: 209
Karma: 10
why dont you guys give her a break she didnt do anything to you
Posts: 11466
Karma: 36
^why dont you go back to your wack off thread
'You can't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'
'so basically i lost my penis trying to have sex with my cat' Misty7
I like my eggs like i like my runs,poached
'Who's not 18 yet? What? LA LA LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you.'~Jay aka rebel
'five0 is a crazy sexy nutcracker motherfucker'~Everyone
Posts: 3411
Karma: 23
^she did do something to me, she ruined my life
if you study high, take the test high
Posts: 209
Karma: 10
^ how did she do that
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
fo real guys i cant believe u are that desperate, when someone says stuff and you go IM them. ur all losers (people that IM this chick and actually wanted to talk to her) for trying to get ass over the internet.
Some people talk it, some people live it, some people walk it-some people give it... deal with it.
D-Loc AKA Shaky Bones... Original, Unique, and One of a Kind.
land of the free???@#! haha right... free to the power of the people in uniform
Posts: 1105
Karma: 10
^I agree, that's too much work.
Hippies - they want to save the world, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.
Pabst Blue Ribbon is the greatest beer ever.
Posts: 1568
Karma: 17
haha their not going to get any from me anyways, cybering is hella lame
Arggg...I am a pirate!
Posts: 11466
Karma: 36
hella is hella lame you guys are hella bitchass,what the hella im not a slut
'You can't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'
'so basically i lost my penis trying to have sex with my cat' Misty7
I like my eggs like i like my runs,poached
'Who's not 18 yet? What? LA LA LA LA LA LA! I can't hear you.'~Jay aka rebel
'five0 is a crazy sexy nutcracker motherfucker'~Everyone
Posts: 239
Karma: 12
that fucker blocked me
Dedicated to the East Coast
Posts: 1568
Karma: 17
haha i wonder why, cause youre dirty and asked to cyber with me. fucking dumbass
Arggg...I am a pirate!
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Hahaha. Had to bump this...
You old timers would appreciate...
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