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poles: necessary, or gay?
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
well, which is it? no blows....touch gloves and fight clean...
Did you ever think that when the little neanderthal children made snowmen in the winter, someone would say, 'Don't forget the thick heavy brows.' Then they would all remember that THEY too had thick heavy brows, so they would get mad and eat the snowman? -Jack Handey
Posts: 1256
Karma: 9
does it really matter? why should not using poles be offensive to anyone? you all act like it's this grave injustice to the sport. shit, just go skiing for chrissake. I'm a pole user, but I'd reccomend that you all should try the no-poles thing sometime. It really helps with your bodily awareness. bottom line, if it were ski season we would be skiing instead of arguing pointless shit.
Life sucks, get a fucking helmet
-Denis Leary
Posts: 4342
Karma: 811
^ chew got it.
Keep, Keep on truckin' Yeah...Good Stuff
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
sit booboo sit. Good dog.
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
hmmmm....everyone that says you can't ski without poles is a complete idiot. if you can ski with poles, and skiing without them should prove that you are a well rounded skier. dropping the poles creates a complete separation of upper and lower body movement, the basis of todays style. if you can't ski without poles, then chances are, you can't ski in the first place. dicks.
Did you ever think that when the little neanderthal children made snowmen in the winter, someone would say, 'Don't forget the thick heavy brows.' Then they would all remember that THEY too had thick heavy brows, so they would get mad and eat the snowman? -Jack Handey
Posts: 2440
Karma: 10
i cant ski without poles.. it just doesnt feel right
its all about the 609
Posts: 2133
Karma: 228
If you can't ski without poles, you have really shitty balance, and are a pretty bad skier.
I nose pressed your mom's fun box. - Jon Hartman
Posts: 389
Karma: 103
yeah whatever, they are just there ya know
it ain no fun if the homies cant have none- snoop
Posts: 525
Karma: 10
Read my post above, does that mean I'm a shitty skier? I don't think I am, in fact, I know I'm not.
I Like To Ski
Posts: 2133
Karma: 228
Actually, skiing without poles helps you separate upper body movement from lower body. And do you use your poles to ski switch?
I nose pressed your mom's fun box. - Jon Hartman
Posts: 525
Karma: 10
But this seperation must be rotational... making it bad in my opinion. And that's all this is, my opinion. I ski with poles for everything.
I Like To Ski
Posts: 209
Karma: 10
You know who doesn't use poles? Snowboarders
-a.k.a. The Flyin' Hawaiian
-Go Huck Yourself
-Friends don't let friends jib and jive.
Posts: 2133
Karma: 228
Snowboarding is sick.
I nose pressed your mom's fun box. - Jon Hartman
Posts: 13973
Karma: 1,636
without poles its not skiing.. u dont see snowboarders grabbing poles to go into the park
Crazy midget productions
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
get out of the fucking park, then you might actually learn how to ski...otherwise you might as well be a snowblader...
When in doubt...FSI
...fuckin send it
work to live...not live to work.
work to ski...but only if you ski to work. The simple equation to skibumming 101
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
i hope im not alone by saying if you have skis on your feet then you are skiing. and no poles in the park is cool with me, andy even makes it look good. but outside the park i say get your poles
Posts: 1337
Karma: 11
i say they are necesary
-Whats so fucking wrong, and whats so anti-establishment about the idea of peace? Why is wanting to know the truth so anti establishment?
These aren't anti-establishment ideas, these are Pro fucking peace ideas-
all girls should swallow and enjoy anal sex - Lateralis
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
how about this...you talk shit all you want, but for no reason...until you have ridden with me with no poles, how can you say shit? its not like it changes the way i ski. i mean, sure, i cant pole plant anymore, but how fucking stylie is a pole plant? id rather just ride it switch. and how much do you need your poles for riding switch...id hope not very much. skiing without poles is still skiing. i have 2 boards on my feet, i go down the hill.. so really now, why do you think im riding without them? obviously to raise controversy on here, and obviously to make people hate on me because i do something different...well, im not the first. you say pete looked gay with no poles...whatever, he slays everyone here. i dont see you all talking shit about pollard, who knows what riding with no poles will do for your style. so just chill the fuck out, drop your poles for however long it takes you to get used to riding without them, and then tell me how gay it is...this is just as bad as snowboarders hating on skiers because they dont snowboard...peace, im going skiing...without my fucking poles
guess she doesn't know hers comes with free refills
Posts: 5501
Karma: 20
SKINNG W/O Poles isnt skiing its a missing link! If i ran around the mountain with a pair of poles and tennis shoes on my feet i wouldnt say im skiing!! They are very necsasary in the BC and shit like that! You are only a completely fucking idiot if you are bashing ppl who use poles becuz skiing wasnt always about switch, shaped skis throw on a pair of 183cm straight skis and hit the BC w/o some poles then post in this thread!
To all the Killaz and the $100 Dolla Billaz.....Midwestskier.com
Posts: 2133
Karma: 228
I'm sure andy could go in the backcountry without poles and kill it there too.
I nose pressed your mom's fun box. - Jon Hartman
Posts: 4342
Karma: 811
^^Andy wasnt basshing people t hat use poles in the bc man. He was saying how useless they are ESPECIALLY for riding switch cuz they hav absolutelyt no point. Everyone on here worships pollard by now and says how smooth he is.....hmmmm I wonder how that happen -b/c he skied with no poles for like 2 years straight no joke. So NOW think about that when you bash people without poles. And I don't see why pete mithhofo wasnt smooth....he barely failed if he did at all. You just didn't accept and didnt give a chance. It was smooth but the no poles part just clouded your mind and pissed you off. whatever
Keep, Keep on truckin' Yeah...Good Stuff
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.
sit booboo sit. Good dog.
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
check the alpental vid, and just *imagine* poles in andy's hands....does that change shit?
i rest my case.
Posts: 1013
Karma: 16
yo...many things have been said here...and many things have been misunderstood...andy rides with no poles occasionally...i've witnessed this and he kills it...he is not saying that poles are gay and noone should use them...he simply chooses not to use them and to him, (and many other skiers), this helps his style...now unless you've rode with andy when he is or isnt using poles, you have no right to criticize the usefullness of poles
-live and let live bitches-
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
i know what poles do...come on now...not like ive skied for almost as many years as ive been alive. but enough of this poles are what make you a skier shit. 1 ski on each of my feet makes me just as much of a skier as the next guy. racers use poles, which is necessary...if you havent ever raced, then you may not realize their importance there... but are we racers? do we really need things in our hands to make grabs not as cool? instead of dissing no poles...try it...i have nothing against poles. they are a part of skiing, but 'part' is the key word. if you snowboard down the hill with poles in your hand, does that make you not a snowboarder? why doesnt everyone just chill out, go ride because you like to ride...thats what i do...you dont hear me dissin on danglers and that type of shit...i may not agree with it, but i dont think someone is gay because they do....keep on firing...it makes me want to ride without poles more and more
guess she doesn't know hers comes with free refills
Posts: 143
Karma: 10
Posts: 1256
Karma: 9
Once my knee heals up I think I'm goint to start skiing a few more times no-poles, it's fun.
Life sucks, get a fucking helmet
-Denis Leary
Posts: 6665
Karma: 12
to everyone who says that if you dont use poles its not skiing, does that mean if a snowboarder were to pick up poles then they would be skiing? using poles does not make you a skier or not, its the things that are strapped to your feet that make you a skier. poles dont do shit if you're in the park, if you're skiing BC or big mtn they do help with balance.
whether you use poles or not is a personal decision, leave it at that.
Get pissed. DESTROY -Seth
You are only limited by fear, and even that you can overcome -Seth
everyones a little gay destroy.. even lateralis is still waiting for anal ravaging from liam downey -ATLANTASKI
dude you have no steeze you fag -THallarmadaK269steeze420
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
I skied a whole season without and I went back to poles and felt so much stylier. Without poles you look like a bird flapping his arms. you know how snowbladers look? Well thats how I felt. Whatever, I saw the video and must say Andy did look pretty good without poles. But I bet he woulda looked better without them. Its not really skiing without poles. Like I said before, its like ice hocke yand road hockey. Both are fun, and both have their place, but road hockey will never be an sport outside of the road, and skiing without poles will never grow out of the park.
What is the colour of a mirror?
'Fear is your only god' - Zach Dela Rocha
NS hockey pool champion: 2003
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
which is why skiing without them shouldnt matter. its not like i think they are the devil...i just enjoy flapping like a bird...
guess she doesn't know hers comes with free refills
Posts: 664
Karma: 11
ive seen andy in videos and magazines and once in person and i think he is one of the best skiers on this site without question, and he is actually having to defend himself? thats crazy
check out the message in a ruff stylee
Posts: 2431
Karma: 14
the thing about no poles is WHAT THE HELL DO YOU DO WITH YOUR HANDS, and you look like a snowblader, and this, for some strange reason, makes it look gay
'Let's give them milk, and cookies, and handcuffs.'- Jacko
'michael moore called...said he is ready to fuck you again' - SUpilot
Posts: 2484
Karma: 6
pols all the way
'You do or do not, there is no try.' Yoda
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
skiing without poles just dosnt look right but i agree that it feel really weird and it fuck ups your momentum pretty much everywhere on the mountain (park too)
BUT as in racing, if you ski without poles in the park you can try thinking more about your arm movement.
I didnt like pete mwerbvgshgvswbofer segemnt in stereotype for one reason. He was always keeping his arm to the side of his body and his uper body was not aligned with his lower body (wich mad his rail trick look dumb)
IT's all about controllign your whole body and not just the legs or the arms and torso
'I think I woud be laughing too hard if I had sex with a guy because gay people are so funny' - Marc Balaban (resnick)
Posts: 2649
Karma: 30
last time i went without poles was when i was 4. it would be weird for me w/out em. hard to turn n shit.
Posts: 401
Karma: 10
Whoever said Andy has to defend himself should shut the hell up. He's not defending himself, he's arguing his point just like everyone else in this thread. Just because he's been in magazines doesn't mean people aren't allowed to disagree with him. That's the first video I've ever seen of him...he's defenitely a great jibber(probably good all around too) and if he wants to ski without poles, that's his choice. He's not the first and won't be the last. I use poles because I always have, and I ski everywhere on the mountain and use them. I think people look goofy without them, but what did people think about those 'crazy kids that ski backwards' back in the day?? same situation, it'll take time to get used to, but it looks like more and more skiers are going to drop the poles in the park, whatever, progression is all about trying new things. Not my cup of tea though
Posts: 321
Karma: 10
def need them u look like a fag without them
We have 3 semi kickers with 20-40 ft of flat and a 70 flatter king sizer'-neutrino
high north session
'fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity'-KD
ski bridger bowl
Posts: 1399
Karma: -6
What skier Trav said.
Plus, although I personally dont think that it is necessary or even a good idea, but some people actually do seem to make use of their poles in the park/jumps. One of the world's best actually.
signatures are for pussies
Posts: 4735
Karma: 756
I see poles as a traditional thing more then anything, and if we were sticking with all the traditions of skiing where the hell would we be?
Posts: 223
Karma: 31
I ski with 4 poles bitch. 2 for each hand. I can pole plant twice as fast.
Posts: 227
Karma: 21
If you don't want to ski with poles then don't. Skiing doesnt have rules and FUCK all you people out there that say skiing has to be a sertin way. It's all about expressing yourself.
Posts: 2022
Karma: 23
OK, so maybe im not Mahre or anyone special, but skiing with poles but with a pole-less style is far superior to anything else. And Marhe does pull it off, but there are people like Pollard who have better style IN MY OPINION. Dumont uses poles though, and he looks retarded cuz they always swing around his body when he does spin
Quote of the week: mabye we should chain you to a tree in africa and have a buche of homo's with aids do you and show you that your gay.
Posts: 1248
Karma: 15
i hate posts where people argue, who cares if he doesn't use poles he could probably run circles around 75% of the people on this site in the park
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
wow, three posts now dedicated to this bitch fight. laaaaaame.
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 5724
Karma: 372
i ride a good amount without poles becuase i usually have a video camera or still camera in my hands. riding without poles makes me a much more agressive skier. Skiing steeps with poles it is real easy to get lazy and be backseat, but without poles you have to force yourself to be forward in the attack position. Im not saying people should go out and ski pow/steeps with no poles, but it will help our skiing if you try it. As for the park, there is no reason for poles unless your candide and like to pole plant off everything. I almost feel more comfortable going off big kickers with no poles holding my camera than i do with poles. Poles are there to help initiate a turn, but with the short fat large sidecut skis of today you really dont need them.
'I should put my camera on a tripod - its easier to drink beer that way' - dirty steve
NS royal gangstar
Posts: 4027
Karma: 42
in the park it doesnt really matter. but if your goin down a 50 degree steep through waist deep powder, you might need poles to help your turns. when you learn how to use them, and they arent just dangling there, they are effective. they are more for yourself, and not for other people watching your steeze.
Weed: My Anti-Drug
Posts: 2314
Karma: 21
haha it IS called skiing, not poleing anyway
'Chief Heavily Whipped? Yeah guy, THAT's a name to be proud of...'
'Amy, are your ears cold? Your ice is looking icier than usual...' -Turpin
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
poles are for dancing..haha
guess she doesn't know hers comes with free refills
Posts: 1396
Karma: 22
I don't give a shit what they do, I just think skiing without poles looks retarded. You can't look good without poles.
We'll have you dead pretty soon.
Posts: 8272
Karma: 9
How many times do I have to tell all of you???
Poles are for people who feel a need to compensate for a lack of penis. This statement is true for both guys and girls.
Now, the joke being made for the second time, here's where it's at: Poles have their uses. If you like skiing with poles, ski with poles. I like poles, so I use them(and I need to compensate for my extremely tiny penis). If someone else wants to ski without poles and kicks the shit out of while doing it, you are no one to bitch about it. No poles forces you to ski differently, as mammothpunks so eloquently explained.
Try going out to your hill tomorrow and skiing without poles to see just how different it is. And how much better you'll be when you go back to your precious poles. Then maybe you can talk shit. Now give it up.
SKIER: How would you describe your style?
PJ Cliche: Total skate influence. Even doh dis is on concrete, an you are face sideways, an it has sweet fuck all to do with ski, skate 'as play a huge role wit my steeze.
Posts: 1435
Karma: 10
I've skied without poles from when I learned until today...that's 11 years. I've tried poles and I don't like them, which doesn't mean I can't ski with them. I don't flail my arms and such in the park, I put them where I want them and they stay there unless I screw up (and even people with poles flail when they screw up). I can ski out of the park without poles, they aren't necessary to plant and turn. I even asked a ski instructor who said that with shaped skis, poles aren't necessary except to teach people to move from the basic stem-christi to more advanced parallel technique. She said they were a tool for learning, not a necessity to skiing. What is necessary to skiing is two skis which are of a decent length (the length depends on the height of the skier), not poles or anything else. Skiing without poles isn't snowboarding, as in my opinion snowboarding has no style, skiing without poles has alot (if done properly).
Everyone, of course, it entitled to their own opinion about poles. If you think skiing without poles lacks style, then don't do it. Personally my style is impaired by poles, so I ski without them.
burien [sic] is a crazyass mofo. that screaming semen over the mound was ridiculous. - destroy
Jesus doesn't use poles -Spokanimal
Posts: 51
Karma: 10
this shit is crazy...how can such a long post be made out of such a silly topic? bean you suck...thats it. who gives a shit about what other people think about poles. whatever it takes to have good style is what you shall do. so fuck you all, and have a nice day.
Posts: 6574
Karma: 81
i love how everyone says it looks gay... who HASNT seen andy do it. i have. looks stylie as hell. anyone who says, 'NO POLES ARE GAY!!' or 'POLES ARE GAY' are the stupidest people on this site.its preference, like ski length and boot flex. yea, i dont doubt that skiing without them will make you better, so tomorrow or the next day, im ditchin' my stickers.
I'm not to sure but i did score in the jenious area- loafrider, on IQ tests
In case you hadn't noticed, this is newschoolers.com, not niceschoolers.com -Jib_This, to a whiney bitch, bitching about how much we bitch
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